Gabriela Liz

Front-end Developer

I'm a developer from Brazil who's experienced in building modern web applications. I currently work mostly with React, but I'm always open to learn new technologies :)

Back in the end of 2019, I started a HTML course, because I was on vacation and wanted to learn something new, tumbling head first into the rabbit hole of coding.

My grandma was my main inspiration to start my bachelor of Software Engineering, when she heard that I was doing a HTML course, she immediately printed out some pages about different technologies courses for me, so I thought, why not?

Fast-foward to today, I've already worked for start-ups, fintechs, consultings and a SaaS company.

My main focus right now is to graduate and have the privilege of building software for a new company.

When I'm not working, I'm usually playing with friends, walking with my dog, or watching Masterchef with my mom.